Lykke UFO Uganda 250 g Coffee Beans

135 kr with VAT
540 kr / kg
Stock status:
In stock
Delivery estimated between Thursday 20.3. and Monday 24.3.
  • Coffee origin: Uganda
  • Flavor Profile: unrefined cane sugar, dried currants and cranberry
  • Intensity: 3/5

Lykke UFO stands out as a single-origin coffee offering a delightful blend of flavors, including hints of unrefined cane sugar, dried currants, and cranberries.

The high altitude and bountiful soil in Uganda produces high density beans packed full of organic acids and flavour compounds just waiting to be unlocked!

This is Lykke's first African coffee, a lot of planning and trail and error went into roasting these beans to perfection.

  • Origin: Renzori mountains, Uganda
  • Altitude: 1600-2200 masl
  • Variety: SL28 and SL34
  • Process: honey

Lykke Kaffegårdar

Producing Coffee With No Harm Done

To get a good feeling by doing good things.

Lykke Kaffegårdar own their coffee farms and company together with the coffee farmers, cutting out all middle persons and making sure that nothing or no-one gets harmed when we enjoy a good cup of coffee.

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Kohtuuhintainen erikoisuus

Persoonallisesti erilainen. Mukavaa vaihtelua kahvihetkiin.

Kahvi on tuoretavara

Mausta en vielä osaa sanoa, koska laitoin pavut pakkaseen, mutta olin pettynyt, koska pavut oli paahdettu jo pari kuukautta sitten. En jaksanut reklamoida tilauksen saavuttua.

Old beans / stale

The beans received were from march of this year, roasted 4-5 months prior to shipping. Because of this a fair review cannot be given. However, this roast did not meet expectations. A bit sharp in taste without significant depth of character. Not as fruity as might be expected. Again, possibly just a stale roast.


Hello, Thank you for your feedback! I'm sorry the coffee didn't meet with your expectations. Could you kindly contact our customer service and we can look for a solution together?

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