Wilfa Classic Aroma CGWS-130B kaffekvarn
- Wilfas nya förbättrade kaffekvarn
- Ny DC motor som är tystare och noggrannare
- Justerbar malningsgrad (finaste malningsgraden för mokabryggare)
- Timer
- UV-skyddad bönhållare och kaffebehållare
Det bästa kaffet får du genom att mala dina egna kaffebönor! Wilfa Classic (Svart) Aroma har en ny och förbättrad motor med lägre hastighet som producerar endast lite värme. Detta gör att kaffets doft och smak bevaras på bästa sätt. Bönbehållaren och kaffebehållaren är tillverkade av genomskinligt plastmaterial med ett UV-filter, som skyddar mot solljus. Med timerfunktionen kan du ställa in tiden i förhållande till mängden kaffe du vill mala.
Den finaste malningsgraden rekommenderas för mokabryggare.
- Varumärke Wilfa
- Produktnummer 2374
- EAN 7044876057716
Garanti 5 år
- Färg: Svart
- Mått: H 27 cm, B 16,5 cm, D 12 cm
- Bönhållarens kapacitet: 250 g
Våra kunder köpte också
72 recensioner
Bra malning, dålig timer
Om man kan leva med att portionera de böner man behöver så maler den bra. Timern är väldigt inkonsekvent och fungerar dåligt för att portionera. Skedtricket är nästan ett måste för att mitigera statisk laddning i uppsamlaren.
JonathanHyvä mylly
Todella hiljainen ja nopea kahvimylly.
V.J.Elämänlaadun upgreidaus
Päivitin leikkurikahvimyllyn Wilfan murskaimeen. Laite on lupausten mukaisesti loistava.
Kaapo SilliTulee hyvää kahvia
Perustarpeisiin hyvä kahvimylly. Jauhaa tasaista kahvia. Käytetty jauhamaan kahvia mutteri- ja pressopannuihin. Nopea jauhanta. Helppo pestä.
Miinuksia: tuottaa paljon staattista sähköä, purujen siirto pannuun ei onnistu ilman sotkua. Koneen sisään jää staattisen sähkön takia usein puruja, jotka tulevat ulos kun konetta sirtää.
Hyvä peli!
En ole vielä kokeillut useampia hienousasteita, mutta suodatinkahvin jauhaminen sujuu äärettömän helposti ja nopeasti ja lopputulos on kerrassaan mallikas. Näin kuukauden käyttökokemuksen perusteella täydet pisteet
Vanha kärttyinen äijäEsimmäinen kunnollinen myllyni
Tarvitsin laadukkaan myllyn, jolla voi jauhaa kaikenlaisia karkeusasteita. Minulla on käytössäni sifoni, pressopannu, tavallinen kahvinkeitin ja pari eri kokoista mutteripannua ja kaikkiin näihin tarvitaan eri karkeus. Tämä mylly tekee työnsä moitteetta. Jauhatus on tasalaatuista ja karkeuden säätäminen on tosi helppoa. Jauhan aina keittiövaa'alla punnitun määrän papuja, joten laitteessa oleva ajastin on minulle turha ominaisuus. Laitteen käyttö on kuitenkin tosi helppoa. Jauhatus tapahtuu nopeasti ja laite on yllättävän hiljainen. Huoltaminen ja puhdistaminen on helppoa. Ainoa asia mikä ärsyttää on se, että kahvipuruihin muodostuu erittäin paljon staattista sähköä, joten purujen kaataminen säiliöstä kahvinvalmistuslaitteeseen ei ikinä onnistu ilman sotkua.
Hyvä ostos. Tosin aiempia kokemuksia minulla ei ole. Mylly jauhaa tosi nopeasti eikä äänikään ole voimakas.
PipsapippuriLoistava mylly arkiaamuihin
Mylly toimii moitteettomasti ja on todella helppo käyttää. Suodatinkahvi maistuu vastajauhetuista pavuista tehtynä todella hyvältä! Tätä käyttää vaikka joka päivä aamukahvin jauhatukseen. Mylly ei ole kovin äänekäs ja n. 40 g filtterikahvia valmistuu parissa kymmenessä sekunnissa.
KlSelkeä ja helppokäyttöinen
Ensimmäiseksi kahvimyllykseni tämä on osoittautunut oikein toimivaksi laitteeksi! Käyttöliittymä on selkeä, ja säädettävää ei ole liikaa. Mokkapannulle tulee ainakin erittäin hienojakoista ja tasalaatuista kahvia, joten olen ollut hyvin tyytyväinen. Kahvia ei myöskään leviä mihinkään laitetta käytettäessä, joten se on sikäli järkevästi suunniteltu. Ulkonäöllisesti on myös tyylikkään musta, eikä liian räikeä mitenkään. Ääni on aika paha, mutta niin se taitaa olla näissä kaikissa. Joku viivästetty käynnistys olisi kiva, niin ehtisi itse keittiöstä karkuun ennen kuin mylly ryhtyy huutamaan :)
PerttuHyvä perusmylly
Olen käyttänyt myös aiempaa harmaata mallia, tämä on aika lailla yhtä hyvä, mutta vähän hiljaisempi.
Erinomainen ja selkeä toimintoineen, monipuolinenkin vielä.
Helppo puhdistaa. Erinomainen ostos.
Love everything about it
There is almost nothing to dislike about this grinder, I love everything about it, the quality components, the great usability, the nice look, the fast grind, the lack of noise, the quality of the grind. Absolutely beautiful. The only thing I wish it had is if only the bean cup lid closed tightly (for a better preservation of beans). Other than this it's an absolute delight to use it.
Mohamed HaddiTop class service
I can’t actually review the product because it is a present for someone, but what I can tell you is that service I received was excellent, great price, and great value delivery cost to the U.K. and super quick delivery time, I won’t hesitate to use this company again, top draw 👍
Great grinder. Spent time looking at different types of grinders. Settled on the Wilfa, been using it for a few days, really happy with my purchase, great grinder.
Ciaran.The perfect match
The Wilfa Classic Aroma does not disappoint - I have used it to grind coffee for French Press and Moka Pot brewing. The results are very consistent and I have no complaints about the machine’s build quality. They only flaw I have noticed is that the recommended grind settings are way off in some cases - but this is easily solved by looking up suggested settings on numerous coffee sites.
Great for the price
Very reliable grinder for the price, it doesn't grind fine enough for espresso, but is perfect for V60 and French press
MarcoGreat and fast
Perfect does exactly what you expect it to do.
A great value for money grinder
Great grinder to get started with. It’s not as loud as I’d thought which is nice and the grind is uniform. Would definitely recommend.
MarkWilfa Classic Aroma CGWS-130B kaffekvarn
I had high expectations for the Wilfa grinder, and it lived up to its reputation. I'm delighted with it.
Fred CasdenMr
Very pleased with my coffee grinder.I like the Moccha setting and it's perfect.its not very noisy.I would recommend this product.
Brendan moranWilfa classic Aroma Coffee Grinder
Excellent coffee grinder, couldn't be happier. I'm no expert, but after a certain persons review that this was good, I bought it. It has transformed my coffee brewing with the same beans I've been us3for a while.
Paddy O'ReillyWilfa Classic Aroma CGWS-130B kaffekvarn
Super grinding, and built like a Matt black tank. Quite large for a household grinder though and the timer makes it very difficult to get to the exact measure you want so despite many trials I still end up grinding either less or more than I need. This lack of control at the cup measure level is really the only major flaw. It feels like it was built for a bigger purpose. The grind is spot on though, at the end of the day.
SRThis is the business!
Of all the purchases I’ve made during lockdown, this has to be the best. The grind settings are excellent. Use it for filter & Moka pot & it yields a precision grind for both. The machine itself is of excellent quality. A high end product at a more than reasonable price.
Very happy customer!Mrs
The coffee grinder is very good and user friendly... The delivery was prompt and it arrived well packaged and in good condition..
Eithne ConwayEffortless grinding
Everyone likes this coffee grinder and I'm not surprised. Good price and really well made. If I had to pick a fault, the grinds collector feels a bit flimsy compared with the rest of the machine and is slightly awkward to tip out the ground beans. But this is a very small criticism for a really good piece of equipment. Still worth 5 stars. Am still dialling in the settings to get the best grind, but that's all part of the experience!
JonGreat Little Grinder
Great little grinder. The hopper does move fractionally but no where near enough for it to be an issue. It doesn't grind fine enough for Espresso which isn't an issue for me as i don't have espresso at home.
Wilfa SvartFantastic Home Grinder
First off ordered this from the UK. Great service & quick delivery! Send you a physical receipt as proof of purchase for the 5 year Guarantee.
The wilfa Grinder is a fantastic home Grinder. Every think about this Grinder feels premium. Works perfectly and gives a nice consistent grind every time. Perfect for morning coffee
Fantastic piece of kit, really pleased.
Fantastic piece of kit, really pleased.
TrizOne of the best grinders in the market for the money.
Bought this grinder after reading so many reviews online particularly James Hoffmann. Great machine. I like the little different settings for the different grind sizes, it even looks very modern on the kitchen counter.
ConorTop quality
Perfect blender without breaking the bank, the precision of the different blend settings it excellent and very easy to use
JohnExcellent Value for money
Excellent grinder for Pour-over, quick filter coffee(dutch for: drip machine), Siphon etc.. The grind distribution is of good consistency with not to many fines. The later being important to me because i absolutely hate a bitter-over-extracted and dusty cup.
The machine grinding noise is not squeaky which is good since i can't stand high pitched noised.
I had some question about what grinder to get, and Cremashop's customer support was really helpful and knowledgeable. Shipment to Netherlands was quick&safe.
Excellent grinder
I bought this after seeing various reviews online and I am not disappointed. This is a fantastic grinder and at a very reasonable price. I don't want espresso at home so the fact it doesn't do super super fine doesn't bother me. It does grind very quickly, consistently and fairly quietly too! It's so fast I really feel like I want to use it more! Grinding 15g of beans for my aeropress takes about 5 seconds or so! And I've had no problem with static by using the wet spoon trick. I love my new grinder. It feels solid and built to last. Totally recommended as a home grinder.
BrianWilfa Classic Aroma CGWS-130B kaffekvarn
Great product, best price online and a really big upgrade to my last grinder (delonghi). Fast shipping to UK too.
JakeGreat, affordable grinder
I was unsure whether this grinder would be a significant upgrade compared to my Hario Skerton handgrinder, as there are so many more expensive grinders (such as the Wilfa Uniform). It is fast, not too loud and the grindsize is very even. This has improved my coffee making experience on many levels. I choose this grinder after watching James Hoffmanns review and I fully agree with him after having used it for a little over a week now.
MarjoleinGreat experience!!!
Great service, fast shipment, and a good price. Thanks for helping me upgrade my coffee game. This is a great grinder. It grinds fast and evenly resulting in a cleaner cup and more complexity in my pour overs. Thanks a bunch!
Efficient grinder with very uniform consistency.
How could I live without it? The only thing that is not perfect, maybe, is the way I put the grinded coffee from the grinder to somewhere else.
I use it for V60 and Aeropress and it's almost perfect.
Great grinder
Grinder works well. Shipping was on time.
Very quick and easy ! So happy with the purchase!
Gintare PoVery good
This grinder performs very well in my opinion. You have to experiment a bit with grind setting and time, but there are some guidance numbers mentioned in the manual. Noise is fine, design beautiful and build quality fine up until now. It is actually also smaller than expected, which is good as it does not take up much space in your kitchen.
I'm using this grinder for pour over with a hario V60. I've been getting consistent results. Adjusting the grind is easy. Great build quality so I expect this will last me a long time. Can't go wrong for the price.
Damian MannWilfa Classic Aroma CGWS-130B kaffekvarn
Beautifully slick and sleek design. Easy to use and grinds perfectly. Absolutely delighted with it.
SallyReally Impressive
Slick piece of kit. Simple, excellent functionality. Great grind. Couldn’t recommend it highly enough.
Eoin - IrelandMr
Excellent experience. Really great service and product as described. Very happy with it.
Chris KGreat grinder!
Not super loud, works perfectly, easy to set-and-forget. Perfect for home use.
AlexNot very happy
Great grinder, however not possible to grind espresso.
Besides, this is overpriced, other shops offer the same grinder, for cheaper.
I wanted a grinder for espresso, now I am stuck with a grinder I paid too much for, and that I cannot return. All in all, I am not happy.
Dear Kareem,
Thank. you for your feedback!
We are happy to hear that you are satisfied with the new Wilfa's grinder.
Hope you received our email earlier today concerning this thing.
Looking forward to serving you also in the future!
Best regards,
Sonja Ekman
Customer service
[email protected]
Espresso grinding with Wilfa Svart
Purchases good! price-quality ok.
However, it should be explicitly stated that the "Wilfa Svart Aroma CGWS-130B Coffee Grinder" is not suitable for the very fine grinding needed for making espresso. This device is not made for that. It is suitable for other coffee-making methods and it also does excellent. Too bad, would have liked to have been able to grind espresso too. A bit of a bad buy.
Philippe Myny
Beautifully crafted and delivered.
Rod McAlpineBuon prodotto
Buon grinder, compatto, semplice, veloce, silenzioso e che produce una macinatura abbastanza uniforme. A questo prezzo il migliore in circolazione. Unica pecca il sistema di bloccaggio delle macine, allargando la macinatura si spostano, per riallinearle vanno strette di un altro punto.
SimoneMy first dedicated coffee grinder
I did a bit of research before settling for the Wilfa Svart.
Initially I was almost convinced by the Baratza Encore but after watching James Hoffmann's review of the Wilfa ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aChUZZOp654 ) and the Wilfa Svart vs Baratza Encore ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gm6UfD9qSc ) I was SOLD.
- I get a consistent grind which allows me to play with other variables (water temp., time, etc) so my French Press improved 1000x
- Slim profile and not taller than my kettle, fits perfectly on the counter
- Pretty quiet, I can grind in the morning without waking up everybody
- Easy to clean
- Feels sturdy and well built
- The ground collection tray has an odd shape. It takes a bit of practice to get the coffee out without spilling some on the floor (using the rinsed spoon technique, I get no static)
- The plastic lid that covers the coffee chamber does not sit perfectly flush. It always pops-out a bit on the side. Not a big deal but annoying
- Not really a con but was weird at first: there is no on-demand button. You have to use the timer and set it to max (30s). It took a bit to figure it out.
I buy this grinder for home and at a first use i am very satisfied how it grind my coffee.
MatteoGood quality for the price
Elegant looks and easy way to use.
Cons: Remain grounds in the machine, not as consistency grind as the commercial used machine.
Great home grinder!
Picked the black version of this grinder just so it would match our Moccamaster coffee machine at home. The grinder works really well and is fast!! Not too noisy either. Been working great for V60 and filter machine (Moccamaster). All in all, I strongly reccomend it. It was well packaged and arrived within the time window announced by the website
RorySimple et efficace
Je l'utilise pour moudre du café filtre, c'est parfait. Très bon rapport qualité / prix et pas si bruyant