Outdoor coffee
A coffee break in nature, on your hike, or at a picnic…
Everything tastes better outdoors, and so does coffee. The sense of taste comes physically from our taste receptors in our tongue. Besides this our sense of taste is affected by our sense of smell and how well it works. Our sense of smell activates and becomes more sensitive when we move outdoors. Therefore we often experience stronger aromatics and enhanced sense of taste when out in nature or by the sea.
Preparing coffee outdoors, hiking, camping, or why not even at a picnic is relatively easy as long as you bring along practical and uncomplicated coffee equipment.
We start by assessing the access to water and whether we can boil water on a campfire or alternatively on a camping or gas stove, or do we need to bring along hot water in a thermos flask. We also want to know the possibility of washing or cleaning our outdoor drink- and dining ware. When we know our water source we can chose a coffee maker to bring along according to our taste.
You can bring along coffee as whole beans or readily ground in an airtight container. If you bring along whole coffee beans you need to pack along a manual coffee grinder as well. The benefits of whole coffee beans are that they preserve better and keep their aromas longer, and you get freshly ground coffee every day. Ground coffee is more sensitive to weather conditions and humidity or heat, but if stored well and airtight it is very convenient.
Manual coffee grinders - Check out our selection of manual coffee grinders here! >>

When the coffee cravings hit you while on the road or in the woods there are some easy solutions such as instant coffee, coffee bags (similar to tea bags) and one cup coffee drippers. These are convenient and work well with hot water in a thermos, and you brew your coffee directly in your cup.
We offer a versatile selection of coffee and coffee equipment for both those who demand more finesse from their outdoor coffee, and for those who appreciate a fast and easy cup of delightful coffee on their adventure.
Check out our wide selection of instant coffee here!>>
Check out our convenient coffee bags and one-cup coffees here!>>
Coffee equipment for outdoor life comes in many varieties depending on whether you want to enjoy espresso or filter coffee while camping. There are manual and portable espresso makers and durable coffee drippers, to the classic moka pots and percolators. For easy filter coffee a coffee dripper made of durable plastic, lightweight steel or fabric is a convenient option that does not weigh much, is easy to clean, and brews the coffee directly into your cup or thermos.
Coffee drippers for easy pour-over filter coffee here! >>

Easy camping- and outdoor coffee with these products
Coffee enthusiasts might choose more technical coffee equipment even on the road such as an AeroPress or manual espresso maker. The AeroPress coffee is made by pressing hot water through fine coffee grounds directly in the cup giving a fuller and thicker brew coffee. The compact, cylindrical shape coffee maker is made of durable and lightweight material specifically designed for outdoor life, but consists of a number of parts that need to be assembled so be careful not to leave any of these behind in the wilderness.
Check out the popular AeroPress coffee makers here! >>

AeroPress and similar coffee makers
For the espresso lovers there are a number of portable espresso makers available on the market designed for outdoor life. The idea behind espresso is that hot water is pressed through very finely ground coffee with a 7-15 bar pressure, and therefore makes the coffee strong, rich and thick with its characteristic “crema” on top. A popular method to induce pressure in manual espresso makers is by pumping out air from the water container in the brewer and then releasing it with the pressure through the coffee grounds, coffee capsule or espresso pod. These are commonly known as “Pump Press espresso makers”. Some portable espresso makers work with ground coffee and coffee pods (espresso coffee packed in ready disks in a thin filter paper),and others are especially designed for coffee capsules. Capsules and espresso pods are convenient in terms of cleaning the espresso maker, but these need to be disposed of in proper manner and not left in nature. Regular coffee grounds are organic materia and degradable in nature. When using a portable espresso maker be careful not to lose any of the critical parts, as they often require some assembling in the making of coffee.
Handpresso portable Pump-Press espresso makers for the hike and trail >>

Portable espresso makers
If the hike or excursion leads to a place where you can make a fire or if you have a gas lit camping stove you can make coffee with a moka pot, a percolator, or a traditional fireproof coffee kettle. Making “cowboy coffee” over an open fire is both charming and delicious!
Cowboy Coffee:
Making Cowboy Coffee feels a little extra outdoorsey and exciting. This is how it is made traditionally in a coffee pot over an open flame.
Add water to your kettle or coffee pot and bring to a boil. Let the water cool a little so that it doesn’t bubble anymore when you add the coffee grounds. An optimal water temperature for brewing coffee is between 92-96 degrees celsius. Add ground coffee and stir with a stick or a ladle. Let the coffee brew sit for a few minutes until the coffee grounds have sunk to the bottom of the pot. Pour gently without stirring up the coffee grounds and enjoy!
- Measure approx. 2 dl water per cup
- Measure approx. 1 tablespoon of coffee per decilitre of water
- The coffee can be coarsely ground, like for a French Press or a little coarser than regular filter coffee.
Outdoor coffee is a wonderful break from the everyday routines. Spending time in the woods or in nature in general is proven to relieve stress and calm your nerves. The senses become clearer and the air and ambience enhance the pleasure of the cup of coffee. So, next time you plan on going on a hike or camping - remember to bring along proper coffee equipment for the utmost outdoor coffee experience!

Coffee pots and Mokapots for camping and outdoor life
Brew Guides

How to prepare AeroPress coffee
Do you already know how to use your AeroPress? Check out our short guide and learn how to brew coffee with an AeroPress coffee maker.
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How to make cappuccino at home
You can make a delicious cappuccino at home even if you don’t have an espresso machine.
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Chemex brewing guide
What a sophisticated and charming way to brew and serve coffee. The Chemex coffee maker is unique and makes perfect coffee.
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How to make cold brew coffee
Learn how to use your cold brew coffee maker for smooth coffee that is perfect for hot summer days. Check out our recipe for preparing cold brew coffee.
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How to use a french press
Make rich and classic coffee with a convenient french press coffee maker; also known as a coffee plunger, press pot and cafetière. See our instructions for preparing elegant and delicious coffee with a french press.
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Moka pot brewing guide
Do you already know how to make moka pot coffee? Learn how to use a moka pot with our guide.
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Pour Over coffee with Hario V60 dripper
Follow Crema’s guide and brew pour over coffee with Hario V60 dripper like a pro! It is a simple and affordable way to make delicious coffee.
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How to make Vietnamese Coffee with a Phin filter
A brew guide on how to brew Vietnamese coffee using a phin filter, and ideas for iced coffees.
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Making Cold Brew coffee with various equipment
You can make Cold Brew coffee using varying brewing equipment. Here we list a few easy ways to cold brew coffee.
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Caffeine free coffee - Decaf
Caffeine free coffee is a good alternative for the caffeine sensitive. This is how caffeine is removed from the coffee bean. Wide selection of decaf coffee at Crema.
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Outdoor coffee - a coffee break in nature
Outdoor coffee. With the right coffee makers and equipment you'll have a wonderful coffee break out in the wild!
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